Mr. Rauch's Classroom
Arellanes Junior High School

Welcome to Room 7

Some useful links for students

Room 7Mr. Rauch's Calendar Page

Slope Slider is a cool interactive website to help you visualize the slope-intercept form of a line.

Make sure you turn down the volume before you play this integer game.

What is a Decifractator?

This zoomable number line is a great way to visualize decimals.

You Tube Stuff

Mr. Rauch's YouTube Channel Peace Flag

The Fibonacci Sequence of videos.
Minute Physics is good.

Our Class Mascot

Is he a pitbull?
Is he a chihuahua?

Ernie watching for birds

My Dog Ernie

Ernie is half cocker spaniel and half springer spaniel. We got Ernie when he was a puppy from our friend Heather's dad Bob. Ernie loves birdwatching and swimming.

Math is Fun


Why was Fibonacci afraid of 5?
Because 5, 8, 13!!!

What happened when the 60 degree angle ran into the 90 degree angle?
It was a rectangle.

Don't Try This at Home

Explore Scratch 2.0 from the MIT media lab.

Some Scratch Tutorials on You Tube.

They call this simple. Ha ha.

What time is it? (looks good on phones!)


Letter to Parents

Grading and Homework Policy
Mr. Rauch ☼ Mathematics

Academic Grade
Academic grades are based on all activities done in math class. About 60% of the grade will be based on tests, quizzes and projects. The remaining 40% shall come from homework, notebook checks, and other activities. A student will be most successful if they do the following:
• Listen carefully in class
• Do homework regularly and carefully
• Participate in all class activities, and
• Attend class regularly.

Expect your child to have homework Monday through Thursday. Homework assignments are posted on the board and need to be copied into student agendas daily. Late homework will not be accepted unless the student is absent.

It is very important that students respect the rights of other students. They must behave in such a manner that they do not interfere with the learning environment. Each time a student breaks a rule, he/she receives a consequence.

Classroom rules
• Quiet during instruction.
• Stay in your seat.
• Work when asked to.

School Rules
All School Rules apply.

1st consequence = warning
2nd consequence = Yellow Card
3rd consequence = Red Card
4th consequence = Take home detention, and a phone call home.
5th consequence = referral to office.
Note: For severe misconduct, the student will be immediately referred to the office.

Conduct Grade
O – A real helper in class.
S – Good behavior.
N – Needs help staying on task. Talkative.
U – Defiant and/or disrespectful.

Contact Mr. Rauch
Email me at


Some Teacher Links

Engage NY materials will be used in my classroom next year
Engage NY Grade 7 Math
Engage NY Grade 8 Math

Georgia is anothr state leading the way in developing common core curriculum materials Georgia Standards
Georgia Mathematics Educator Forum provides support for the Georgia Standards material

California's own Brokers of Expertise website
Achieve The Core
Inside Mathematics
MARS is a great site for Common Core style assessment ideas.